At Priory Academy, we use the Big Maths Scheme, published by Andrell Education. It comprises of a carefully structured strategy designed to teach all areas of the mathematics curriculum in a logical and systematic way. It prioritises basic skills and has clear steps of progress built in. Children are taught to count in steps, learn facts by heart, apply skills they have already secured to different contexts, make links between learning and concepts and develop efficient strategies to solve mathematical calculations. It also provides resources to promote mathematical investigation, problem solving and challenge. Alongside Big Maths, teachers use NCTEM and Testbase resources to supplement mastery of maths beyond calculation. Irrespective of their stage of learning, all pupils regularly encounter problem solving and mastery.
Assessment is built in and key to the strategy. From the youngest of ages, children can track their own progress week by week, gaps in learning are quickly identified and intervention put into place to deal with misconceptions etc. immediately.
Worksop Priory Academy is a partner school for Big Maths, and staff frequently demonstrate lessons, offering support for planning, delivery and assessment to staff from other local schools.
“Big Maths was introduced at Worksop Priory three years ago, since then there has been a huge improvement in results year on year, with 93% of 2018 Y6 cohort achieving at age related expectations.” Mrs Rawson