Internet Safety
Internet Safety Support for Parents and Carers
At Priory we discuss and learn Internet / e-Safety throughout the year groups. Our Pastoral care team are available to help with any difficulties that arise and Mr Cawkill is available for technical advice. We occasionally run a parent /carer drop in if you need to talk to someone, the next one is on:
Wednesday 12th February at 3pm
We also send advice within our weekly newsletter, with a different topic or App featured each week.
The video below highlights key things that parent/carers should set up to ensure children are safe.
We have been sending home a weekly advice sheet on current Internet Safety Topics. These are produced by National Online Safety and are part of their #WakeUpWednesday campaign. It has changed this year to feature in our weekly Newsletter, now on Fridays. Previous guides are available here for reference.
This Week: TikTok
Internet Safety Teaching Resources
Below are some of the resources that are used in school to teach and discuss Internet Safety. Select the year group below to see these resources for yourself to help discussions with your child: