Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Statement
2023/24 Academic Year
For a detailed understanding of the school Pupil Premium allocation and provision, please select the document immediately below.
Pupil Premium Statement
2022/23 Academic Year
For a detailed understanding of the school Pupil Premium allocation and provision, please select the document immediately below.
Pupil Premium Statement
2021/22 Academic Year
For a detailed understanding of the school Pupil Premium allocation and provision, please select the document immediately below.
Pupil Premium is an additional grant given to schools annually, based on the number of pupils registered as either Looked After or entitled to Free School Meals. It is intended that schools use this to narrow the attainment gaps of vulnerable groups of children.
The anticipated allocation of Pupil Premium Funds in the Academic Year 2020-21 is £92,805
Below is a breakdown of how the school intends to use the grant:
Early Years intervention teacher £23,749
Speech and Language Therapist £4,420
Educational Visit Subsidy £3,000
Outdoor Learning Mentor £3,000
Wider Learning Mentor £30,295
Success For All in Phonics (Resources and Training) £1700
Polish Speaking Teaching Assistant £15,901
Attendance and Achievement £1,500
Contribution towards National/School-led tutoring £5,000
Contributions to excess costs of tuition/mentoring £1,273
Total £89,838
Uncommitted as yet £3,067
Review of 2021-22 Expenditure
EYFS Outcomes
Intervention programmes continued to achieve strong gains when operating in school, once reopen. Speech and Language assessments were carried out using the Wellcomm Assessment Tool. Talk Boost and NELi programmes both produced accelerated data outcomes.
KS1 progress and attainment
Teacher assessments were made at the end of the academic year, following a significant second period of lockdown. The data has been compared with other schools using the FFT Aspire Dashboard. The results identify the children’s actual ability, rather than their potential, following lockdown.
In Y2, of the children eligible for the Pupil Premium, 10/11 made good or better progress in reading, 8/11 in writing and 9/11 in maths over the course of the Key Stage, this despite the two national lockdowns.
20% of the Y2 cohort had English as an additional language. 80% of them achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.
Year 6 progress and attainment
When comparing teacher assessments with other schools using the FFT Asprire Dashboard, the average progress score in reading and maths for Pupil Premium children at the Academy was 2.6 points above all pupils nationally (DfE data). This was equal to the progress made by other groups of pupils in school.