Art and Design
We intend to deliver an art curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. By delivering high-quality art lessons, we intend for the children to acquire relevant subject knowledge and vocabulary and to inspire them to think innovatively and develop their creativity.
Children will learn and progressively build upon the compositional skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, and sculpture. They will be given opportunities to evaluate their artwork, thinking about how they can make changes and keep improving.
Children will also study the work of other artists, considering their significance in society and culture, ascribing meaning to their work and appraising their work. Children will also be provided with opportunities to explore cross-curricular topics in greater depth through art, for example, by sketching parts of the human body to link to their learning in science, or by researching and creating Greek vases to support their topic work on The Ancient Greeks.
We will celebrate success and achievement in art by providing children with opportunities to share their creations, for example, by sharing with their peers in class, through school displays and as part of homework projects.
We will enhance the children’s experience of art further by offering enrichment days, extra-curricular events for identified Gifted and Talented children, and clubs.
Dream by: exploring our individual creativity.
Build by: developing our procedural knowledge and vocabulary.
Grow by: sharing and celebrating our successes in art with others.