Late/Absence Procedures
Parental Support:
We believe the role of parents and carers in supporting the school's efforts in securing high levels of attendance is crucial. We maintain close, effective and positive links with our parents to ensure they are contacted at an early stage to deal with unexplained absence of pupils. The Home-School Agreement includes a commitment from parents and carers relating to attendance and reporting of absences.
Unauthorised Absence:
The school runs a first-day calling system, which involves parents being contacted by text on the first day of absence, if there has been no written or telephone communication from home. A record of this is kept online by texting software. Brief details of any other communication made by the school is noted on the school's electronic register system.
If there is no reply to the first text by 9.30am a second text message is sent. If the school does not receive a reply by 11am, a phone call is made to the first contact. Where the first contact is unavailable, second and/or emergency contacts are called. An appropriate mark is recorded in the register. If, by the third day, there has been no contact made, a visit is made to the home address.
We strongly encourage parents and carers to ensure their child arrives at school punctually for the start of the school day, to enable them to benefit fully from their time in school. If a child arrives after the register has been closed, he/she is required to report to the office where a late mark is then recorded. This allows us to monitor lateness and identify absence patterns.